Cassandra Tytler
Blogged by: Melbourne Central 17 Oct 2016
Cassandra Tytler
Cassandra Tytler is an artist working within single-channel video, performance, and installation. Her work explores contemporary cultural iconography and the idealized signs that exist within it. She is particularly fascinated by the symbolism of popular clichés, and within her work pastiches isolated and fragmented cultural conventions, and shapes them into revealing stories or situations. Tytler's work combines an unsettling, wry humour with a pop sensibility. It is an ongoing examination of the mechanics of performance in the embodiment of persona and its spectatorship. 

Lunar Swells

HD Video, 16:9, no audio,1;54", 2016

The elastic spring, the tired sag, and the face we just can’t shake. We are trapped inside ourselves and outside each other. In Lunar Swells, Cassandra Tytler performs through a latex mask caste from her own face in order to visually explore the social identity mask; the face we “put on” and struggle to live through. Haunting and beautiful, restrictive to the point of asphyxiation, Lunar Swells enacts the struggle of presenting our face to the world.



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